Danish National Symphony Orchestra- Raiders of the Symphony

Get ready to enjoy music from the Indiana Jones films, The Mummy, Angels and Demons, The Adventures of Tintin and Lawrence of Arabia with music by John Williams, Jerry Goldsmith, Hans Zimmer and many more.
Track List
- The Raiders March
- Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark: Marion's Theme
- Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: Scherzo for Motorcycle and Orchestra
- Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom: Anything Goes
- The Adventures of Indiana Jones
- Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull: Irina's Theme
- Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull: A Whirl Through Academe
- The Mummy: Imhotep
- The Adventures of Tin Tin: Air de Bijoux
- The Adventures of Tin Tin: Main Theme
- The Adventures of Tin Tin: The Duel
- Tomb Raider: Pandora's Box
- Angels and Demons: 503
- Uncharted III -Suite: As Above So Below - Nate's Theme 3.0
- Jumanji: The Jumanji Overture
- The Goonies: Fratelli Chase
- Sahara: Iron Clad
- King Kong: Main Theme
Get ready to enjoy music from the Indiana Jones films, The Mummy, Angels and Demons, The Adventures of Tintin and Lawrence of Arabia with music by John Williams, Jerry Goldsmith, Hans Zimmer and many more.
Track List
- The Raiders March
- Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark: Marion's Theme
- Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: Scherzo for Motorcycle and Orchestra
- Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom: Anything Goes
- The Adventures of Indiana Jones
- Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull: Irina's Theme
- Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull: A Whirl Through Academe
- The Mummy: Imhotep
- The Adventures of Tin Tin: Air de Bijoux
- The Adventures of Tin Tin: Main Theme
- The Adventures of Tin Tin: The Duel
- Tomb Raider: Pandora's Box
- Angels and Demons: 503
- Uncharted III -Suite: As Above So Below - Nate's Theme 3.0
- Jumanji: The Jumanji Overture
- The Goonies: Fratelli Chase
- Sahara: Iron Clad
- King Kong: Main Theme