Terminator 2: Judgement Day

In this sequel to the sci-fi action thriller that made him and star Arnold Schwarzenegger A-list Hollywood names, co-writer/director James Cameron upped the ante by employing a more sweeping story line and cutting-edge special effects. Linda Hamilton returns as Sarah Connor, now a single mother to rebellious teen John Connor (Edward Furlong). Having been informed by a time-traveling soldier in the first film that John will one day grow up to become humanity's savior from a computer-controlled Armageddon, Sarah has responded by becoming a muscle-bound she-warrior bent on educating him in survival tactics and battle strategies. Unfortunately, her ranting about humankind's future has landed her in an insane asylum and John in foster care. When a new and improved Terminator android called the T-1000 (Robert Patrick) arrives in 1995 to eliminate John, an older model T-800 (Schwarzenegger) is also sent from the future to protect the boy. The T-1000, however, has the ability to morph itself into any shape it desires, allowing it chameleon-like powers and near indestructibility. The T-800, John, and Sarah must learn to trust each other in order to stay one step ahead of the T-1000, and their mission to save humanity eventually leads them to Miles Dyson (Joe Morton), the scientist whose research will help bring about Skynet and the Terminators. Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991), which won four Oscars in technical categories for its groundbreaking effects, was followed by a short sequel filmed exclusively as an attraction for theme parks, Terminator 2: 3-D Battle Across Time (1996).
In this sequel to the sci-fi action thriller that made him and star Arnold Schwarzenegger A-list Hollywood names, co-writer/director James Cameron upped the ante by employing a more sweeping story line and cutting-edge special effects. Linda Hamilton returns as Sarah Connor, now a single mother to rebellious teen John Connor (Edward Furlong). Having been informed by a time-traveling soldier in the first film that John will one day grow up to become humanity's savior from a computer-controlled Armageddon, Sarah has responded by becoming a muscle-bound she-warrior bent on educating him in survival tactics and battle strategies. Unfortunately, her ranting about humankind's future has landed her in an insane asylum and John in foster care. When a new and improved Terminator android called the T-1000 (Robert Patrick) arrives in 1995 to eliminate John, an older model T-800 (Schwarzenegger) is also sent from the future to protect the boy. The T-1000, however, has the ability to morph itself into any shape it desires, allowing it chameleon-like powers and near indestructibility. The T-800, John, and Sarah must learn to trust each other in order to stay one step ahead of the T-1000, and their mission to save humanity eventually leads them to Miles Dyson (Joe Morton), the scientist whose research will help bring about Skynet and the Terminators. Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991), which won four Oscars in technical categories for its groundbreaking effects, was followed by a short sequel filmed exclusively as an attraction for theme parks, Terminator 2: 3-D Battle Across Time (1996).