Ruroni Kenshin Season One (Broken Case)
This samurai anime takes place during the Meiji Era in Feudal Japan. It follows the story of Kenshin Himura, a rurouni trying to outrun the life he led ten years ago when he was known as the Battousai, the greatest killer of the Edo dynasty and the assassin who helped bring about the downfall of the Tokugawa shogunate. Wherever Kenshin travels, he encounters people who either wish to kill him for changing the balance of power, or hire him for his incredible skills. But Kenshin has vowed never to kill again and now carries a sword with the blade on the inside of the curve, drawing it only when he has to and always leaving his opponents alive. When he wanders into a quiet village and meets the lovely and strong-willed Kaoru Kamiya, Kenshin finds a chance at the life of love and honesty that he's been searching for. But will he be able to settle down and provide services for Karou's struggling martial arts studio with menacing forces from his past looking for power and revenge?
This samurai anime takes place during the Meiji Era in Feudal Japan. It follows the story of Kenshin Himura, a rurouni trying to outrun the life he led ten years ago when he was known as the Battousai, the greatest killer of the Edo dynasty and the assassin who helped bring about the downfall of the Tokugawa shogunate. Wherever Kenshin travels, he encounters people who either wish to kill him for changing the balance of power, or hire him for his incredible skills. But Kenshin has vowed never to kill again and now carries a sword with the blade on the inside of the curve, drawing it only when he has to and always leaving his opponents alive. When he wanders into a quiet village and meets the lovely and strong-willed Kaoru Kamiya, Kenshin finds a chance at the life of love and honesty that he's been searching for. But will he be able to settle down and provide services for Karou's struggling martial arts studio with menacing forces from his past looking for power and revenge?