Are You Being Served: Vol. 11

Attention shoppers! Your favorite dysfunctional sales staff is back with more mischief, more hilarity and more hair colors! Join Mr. Humphries, Mrs. Slocombe, Miss Brahms, Captain Peacock, Mr. Lucas and the rest of the gang as they make shopping at Grace Brothers the comic experience of a lifetime. The staff has been hard-at-work polishing and pressing these six classic episodes: Heir Apparent - Closed Circuit - The Erotic Dreams of Mrs. Slocombe - Roots? - Sweet Smell of Success - Conduct Unbecoming
Attention shoppers! Your favorite dysfunctional sales staff is back with more mischief, more hilarity and more hair colors! Join Mr. Humphries, Mrs. Slocombe, Miss Brahms, Captain Peacock, Mr. Lucas and the rest of the gang as they make shopping at Grace Brothers the comic experience of a lifetime. The staff has been hard-at-work polishing and pressing these six classic episodes: Heir Apparent - Closed Circuit - The Erotic Dreams of Mrs. Slocombe - Roots? - Sweet Smell of Success - Conduct Unbecoming