The Objective

Being an American soldier undeniably requires a large measure of bravery, but in this indie horror film from Daniel Myrick (THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT), the troops have to face more than just enemy fighters. Set in the mountains of Afghanistan, THE OBJECTIVE follows a group of Special Ops soldiers who have the goal of finding a Muslim cleric. But in the midst of their mission, the group finds themselves at the mercy of terrifying forces that bear no resemblance to humans. Starring Jonas Ball, Kenny Taylor, Jon Huertas, Matt Anderson, Jacqueline Harris, Director Daniel Myrick.
Being an American soldier undeniably requires a large measure of bravery, but in this indie horror film from Daniel Myrick (THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT), the troops have to face more than just enemy fighters. Set in the mountains of Afghanistan, THE OBJECTIVE follows a group of Special Ops soldiers who have the goal of finding a Muslim cleric. But in the midst of their mission, the group finds themselves at the mercy of terrifying forces that bear no resemblance to humans. Starring Jonas Ball, Kenny Taylor, Jon Huertas, Matt Anderson, Jacqueline Harris, Director Daniel Myrick.