We The Party

A revealing look at contemporary youth culture; writer-director Mario Van Peebles WE THE PARTY shows teenagers as they are; not as adults would like them to be. Set amidst the latest trends in music; dance and fashion; WE THE PARTY is a colorful; cutting-edge comedy set in an ethnically diverse Los Angeles high school during Americas first black president. The film focuses on five friends as they deal with romance; money; prom; college; sex; bullies; facebook; fitting in; standing out; and finding themselves. Evoking such classic teen comedies as The Breakfast Club and House Party but with an attitude and style all its own; WE THE PARTY captures the hopes; confusion; challenges and dreams of todays teenagers as they plunge headlong into an uncertain future.
A revealing look at contemporary youth culture; writer-director Mario Van Peebles WE THE PARTY shows teenagers as they are; not as adults would like them to be. Set amidst the latest trends in music; dance and fashion; WE THE PARTY is a colorful; cutting-edge comedy set in an ethnically diverse Los Angeles high school during Americas first black president. The film focuses on five friends as they deal with romance; money; prom; college; sex; bullies; facebook; fitting in; standing out; and finding themselves. Evoking such classic teen comedies as The Breakfast Club and House Party but with an attitude and style all its own; WE THE PARTY captures the hopes; confusion; challenges and dreams of todays teenagers as they plunge headlong into an uncertain future.