Children Of The Corn (Steelbook)

Creepy adaptation of Stephen King's short story follows a young couple, Burt Stanton (Peter Horton) and Vicky Baxter (Linda Hamilton) who happen upon a small Nebraska town inhabited only by children. When they learn that the kids have formed a cult that sacrifices adults to a demonic spirit known as "he who walks behind the rows," Burt and Vicky find themselves in a desperate fight for their lives. With R.G. Armstrong, John Franklin, Courtney Gains. 92 min. Widescreen; Soundtrack: English Dolby Digital 5.1. Steelbook packaging
Creepy adaptation of Stephen King's short story follows a young couple, Burt Stanton (Peter Horton) and Vicky Baxter (Linda Hamilton) who happen upon a small Nebraska town inhabited only by children. When they learn that the kids have formed a cult that sacrifices adults to a demonic spirit known as "he who walks behind the rows," Burt and Vicky find themselves in a desperate fight for their lives. With R.G. Armstrong, John Franklin, Courtney Gains. 92 min. Widescreen; Soundtrack: English Dolby Digital 5.1. Steelbook packaging