Barry Manilow- Barry Manilow Live (3 ¾ IPS)

A1 Riders To The Stars
A2 Why Don't We Live Together
A3 Looks Like We Made It
A4 New York City Rhythm
A5 A Very Strange Medley (V.S.M.)
Jump Shout Boogie Medley
A6a Jump Shout Boogie
A6b Avenue C
A6c Jumpin' At The Woodside
A6d Cloudburst
A6e Bandstand Boogie
A7 This One's For You
Track B
B1 Beautiful Music (Part 1)
B2 Daybreak
B3 Lay Me Down
B4 Weekend In New England
B5 Studio Musician
B6 Beautiful Music (Part 2)
B7 Could It Be Magic/Mandy
B8 It's A Miracle
B9 It's Just Another New Years Eve
B10 I Write The Songs
B11 Beautiful Music (Part 3)
A1 Riders To The Stars
A2 Why Don't We Live Together
A3 Looks Like We Made It
A4 New York City Rhythm
A5 A Very Strange Medley (V.S.M.)
Jump Shout Boogie Medley
A6a Jump Shout Boogie
A6b Avenue C
A6c Jumpin' At The Woodside
A6d Cloudburst
A6e Bandstand Boogie
A7 This One's For You
Track B
B1 Beautiful Music (Part 1)
B2 Daybreak
B3 Lay Me Down
B4 Weekend In New England
B5 Studio Musician
B6 Beautiful Music (Part 2)
B7 Could It Be Magic/Mandy
B8 It's A Miracle
B9 It's Just Another New Years Eve
B10 I Write The Songs
B11 Beautiful Music (Part 3)