Moby- Always Centered At Night

Moby / ALWAYS CENTERED AT NIGHT Moby's new album always centered at night always centered at night, out June 14th on numbered, out June 14th on numbered black vinyl and CD. On always centered at night always centered at night, Moby has once again conjured, Moby has once again conjured into reality a collection of heartachingly beautiful, tender-into reality a collection of heartachingly beautiful, tender-yet-defiant songs, made in collaboration with uniquely yet-defiant songs, made in collaboration with uniquely talented, soulfully aware, other-worldly vocalists. All the talented, soulfully aware, other-worldly vocalists. All the songs are love letters to the unrestricted and enchanting songs are love letters to the unrestricted and enchanting music scene of late '70s, early '80s New York that shaped music scene of late '70s, early '80s New York that shaped Moby as a musician. The featured vocalists were given the Moby as a musician. The featured vocalists were given the same assignment: "Please don't write anything commercial. Let it be personal. It doesn't have to make sense."sense."
Shop online 24/7 at Darkside Records.
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Moby / ALWAYS CENTERED AT NIGHT Moby's new album always centered at night always centered at night, out June 14th on numbered, out June 14th on numbered black vinyl and CD. On always centered at night always centered at night, Moby has once again conjured, Moby has once again conjured into reality a collection of heartachingly beautiful, tender-into reality a collection of heartachingly beautiful, tender-yet-defiant songs, made in collaboration with uniquely yet-defiant songs, made in collaboration with uniquely talented, soulfully aware, other-worldly vocalists. All the talented, soulfully aware, other-worldly vocalists. All the songs are love letters to the unrestricted and enchanting songs are love letters to the unrestricted and enchanting music scene of late '70s, early '80s New York that shaped music scene of late '70s, early '80s New York that shaped Moby as a musician. The featured vocalists were given the Moby as a musician. The featured vocalists were given the same assignment: "Please don't write anything commercial. Let it be personal. It doesn't have to make sense."sense."
Shop online 24/7 at Darkside Records.
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