Dead Zone

The Dead Zone is based on a novel by Stephen King, directed by David Cronenberg ("Scanners", "The Fly") and produced by Debra Hill ("Halloween", "The Fog"). Such a trio of horror vets would be expected to come up with an evening of shocks and gore, but "The Dead Zone" is a surprise. While it has great atmospheric eeriness and undeniably scary moments, "The Dead Zone" is at heart a sensitive and thoughtful portrayal of main character Johnny Smith's dilemma.
The Dead Zone is based on a novel by Stephen King, directed by David Cronenberg ("Scanners", "The Fly") and produced by Debra Hill ("Halloween", "The Fog"). Such a trio of horror vets would be expected to come up with an evening of shocks and gore, but "The Dead Zone" is a surprise. While it has great atmospheric eeriness and undeniably scary moments, "The Dead Zone" is at heart a sensitive and thoughtful portrayal of main character Johnny Smith's dilemma.