Various Artists- Jazz Islands Over the Sea (Various Artists)

JAZZ ISLANDS "over the sea" is a musical menu of a Jazz from elsewhere... mixed, perfumed, woody with the scents of the islands... against a background of Afro culture... A journey in the middle of the oceans, to the four corners of the world, in the Caribbean, from Haiti to Guadeloupe via Martinique and Jamaica, then in the Pacific through New Caledonia, Tahiti to arrive on the Indian Ocean in Réunion, Mauritius and Madagascar... 30 "flavors" including 6 new... The excellence of pianists Alain Jean Marie, Mario Canonge, Cedric Duchemann to bass virtuosos Michel Alibo, Patrick Andy, Linley Marthe, to the sublime voices of Tanya St Val, Ralph Thamar, Darline Desca, punctuated by drummers such as Jean Claude Montredon, Paco Sery, Claude Vamur, Karim Ziad with the percussions of a Dédé St Prix in fusion back to New Orleans, to the swing of guitarists Stéphane Hernandez, Michel Poroï, Cyio Brown, to name a few... JAZZ ISLANDS "over the sea", a breath of fresh air on the planet Jazz!Design and production by Erick Siar for Couleurs Music Publishing.
Track List
- Tu Ne M'aimes Plus Ft. Tanya St-Val
- Tropical Blues Ft. Alain Jean-Marie
- Chenn la PÉTÉ Ft. Ras Tea Rico
- New Coast Ft. Claude Vamur
- Kannajazz Ft. Wilfried Bedacier
- Vortex Ft. Cédric Duchemann
- Love Is Blind Ft. Darline Desca
- Nous Voulons FT. DÉDÉ Saint Prix
- The New Orléans Project
- Péi Mwen Jodi Ft. Kélia Paulin
- Emyily's Groove Ft. Jowee Omicil Mambo Veri Ft. Michel Poroi
- A Blessing Waiting to Happen Ft. Ciyo Brown
- Pour Maëlle Ft. Stephane Fernandez
- Island Bird Ft. Linley Marthe
- Vidé Bo Kaÿ Ft. Mario Canonge
- Vavaka Ft. Patrick Andy
- West Indies Ft. Max Hartock
- Danyzilée Ft. Claudel Atride
- Blues of Jenny Ft. Ronald Tulle
- Si Ou Pati Ft. Ralph Thamar
- M'anvi Ft. Darline Desca
- Gade Loulouse Ft. Marina Carliste
- Petit Havre Ft. Bérose
- What Did He Say? Ft. Cédric Duchemann
- Cha Pistache Ft. Fal Frett
- Madingwa Ft. Claude Vamur
- Yamoussa Ft. Ronald Tulle
- Kénambre Ft. Claudel Atride
- Korigan's Love Ft. Alain Jean-Marie
- Le Temps-Instrumental Ft. Vizo
JAZZ ISLANDS "over the sea" is a musical menu of a Jazz from elsewhere... mixed, perfumed, woody with the scents of the islands... against a background of Afro culture... A journey in the middle of the oceans, to the four corners of the world, in the Caribbean, from Haiti to Guadeloupe via Martinique and Jamaica, then in the Pacific through New Caledonia, Tahiti to arrive on the Indian Ocean in Réunion, Mauritius and Madagascar... 30 "flavors" including 6 new... The excellence of pianists Alain Jean Marie, Mario Canonge, Cedric Duchemann to bass virtuosos Michel Alibo, Patrick Andy, Linley Marthe, to the sublime voices of Tanya St Val, Ralph Thamar, Darline Desca, punctuated by drummers such as Jean Claude Montredon, Paco Sery, Claude Vamur, Karim Ziad with the percussions of a Dédé St Prix in fusion back to New Orleans, to the swing of guitarists Stéphane Hernandez, Michel Poroï, Cyio Brown, to name a few... JAZZ ISLANDS "over the sea", a breath of fresh air on the planet Jazz!Design and production by Erick Siar for Couleurs Music Publishing.
Track List
- Tu Ne M'aimes Plus Ft. Tanya St-Val
- Tropical Blues Ft. Alain Jean-Marie
- Chenn la PÉTÉ Ft. Ras Tea Rico
- New Coast Ft. Claude Vamur
- Kannajazz Ft. Wilfried Bedacier
- Vortex Ft. Cédric Duchemann
- Love Is Blind Ft. Darline Desca
- Nous Voulons FT. DÉDÉ Saint Prix
- The New Orléans Project
- Péi Mwen Jodi Ft. Kélia Paulin
- Emyily's Groove Ft. Jowee Omicil Mambo Veri Ft. Michel Poroi
- A Blessing Waiting to Happen Ft. Ciyo Brown
- Pour Maëlle Ft. Stephane Fernandez
- Island Bird Ft. Linley Marthe
- Vidé Bo Kaÿ Ft. Mario Canonge
- Vavaka Ft. Patrick Andy
- West Indies Ft. Max Hartock
- Danyzilée Ft. Claudel Atride
- Blues of Jenny Ft. Ronald Tulle
- Si Ou Pati Ft. Ralph Thamar
- M'anvi Ft. Darline Desca
- Gade Loulouse Ft. Marina Carliste
- Petit Havre Ft. Bérose
- What Did He Say? Ft. Cédric Duchemann
- Cha Pistache Ft. Fal Frett
- Madingwa Ft. Claude Vamur
- Yamoussa Ft. Ronald Tulle
- Kénambre Ft. Claudel Atride
- Korigan's Love Ft. Alain Jean-Marie
- Le Temps-Instrumental Ft. Vizo