Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me
Meet Laura Palmer...In a town where nothing is as it seems...And everyone has something to hide.This prequel to the television drama series "Twin Peaks," which chronicles the seven days leading up to the brutal murder of Laura Palmer in a small logging town in the Pacific Northwest, is written and directed by David Lynch and stars Kyle MacLachlan, Heather Graham, David Bowie, Chris Isaak, Harry Dean Stanton, Kiefer Sutherland and more.
Meet Laura Palmer...In a town where nothing is as it seems...And everyone has something to hide.This prequel to the television drama series "Twin Peaks," which chronicles the seven days leading up to the brutal murder of Laura Palmer in a small logging town in the Pacific Northwest, is written and directed by David Lynch and stars Kyle MacLachlan, Heather Graham, David Bowie, Chris Isaak, Harry Dean Stanton, Kiefer Sutherland and more.