Madchild- Dope Sick (RSD Essential) (PREORDER)

Format: New Vinyl/Hip Hop

Release Date: 9.6.24
Preço promocionalR$ 134,00
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UPC: 760137157618

From 2006-2010 Shane Bunting aka Madchild was on a kamikaze run with the drug oxycontin that pushed him to the brink of oblivion. Hitting rock bottom, his addiction spiraled out of control and destroyed everything the successful emcee had worked so hard to build with is platinum selling hip-hop group Swollen Members. The fancy cars, lavish houses and rock star luxuries were all gone, as his addiction had consumed over 3 million dollars worth of assets and finances in just over four years. Clean from drugs for the first time in his adult life, Madchild removed himself from temptation by walking away from his previous social life and bunkered down in his home studio secluded from the outside world. For the next 10 months, Madchild feverishly wrote and recorded his first ever solo album, 2012's Dope Sick.

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