Children Of The Corn (Steelbook)
Creepy adaptation of Stephen King's short story follows a young couple, Burt Stanton (Peter Horton) and Vicky Baxter (Linda Hamilton) who happen upon a small Nebraska town inhabited only by children. When they learn that the kids have formed a cult that sacrifices adults to a demonic spirit known as "he who walks behind the rows," Burt and Vicky find themselves in a desperate fight for their lives. With R.G. Armstrong, John Franklin, Courtney Gains. 92 min. Widescreen; Soundtrack: English Dolby Digital 5.1. Steelbook packaging
> Due to the current limited nature of music titles, ALL CD & Vinyl purchases are limited to THREE copies per customer, per item. If you place multiple orders for multiples the same title, your subsequent orders will be canceled.
Creepy adaptation of Stephen King's short story follows a young couple, Burt Stanton (Peter Horton) and Vicky Baxter (Linda Hamilton) who happen upon a small Nebraska town inhabited only by children. When they learn that the kids have formed a cult that sacrifices adults to a demonic spirit known as "he who walks behind the rows," Burt and Vicky find themselves in a desperate fight for their lives. With R.G. Armstrong, John Franklin, Courtney Gains. 92 min. Widescreen; Soundtrack: English Dolby Digital 5.1. Steelbook packaging
> Due to the current limited nature of music titles, ALL CD & Vinyl purchases are limited to THREE copies per customer, per item. If you place multiple orders for multiples the same title, your subsequent orders will be canceled.