Joey McIntyre- Freedom (Baby Blue Vinyl) (PREORDER)
Freedom, a semi-biographical album by Joey McIntyre explores his upbringing and path to pop stardom and what freedom means to him. Breaking into the scene with New Kids On The Block, Joey furthered his career with solo-pop albums like Stay The Same. On this LP, co-writing 8 of the 10 tracks, and 2 on his own, McIntyre delivers classic pop melodies over a soulful sound for new and forever fans alike. Baby Blue Vinyl.
Until Tomorrow
One Shot
I Don't Need Another Thing
Other Things
Shut Up and Sing
Shop online 24/7 at Darkside Records.
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Freedom, a semi-biographical album by Joey McIntyre explores his upbringing and path to pop stardom and what freedom means to him. Breaking into the scene with New Kids On The Block, Joey furthered his career with solo-pop albums like Stay The Same. On this LP, co-writing 8 of the 10 tracks, and 2 on his own, McIntyre delivers classic pop melodies over a soulful sound for new and forever fans alike. Baby Blue Vinyl.
Until Tomorrow
One Shot
I Don't Need Another Thing
Other Things
Shut Up and Sing
Shop online 24/7 at Darkside Records.
Follow us on Instagram.