Aug Stone- The Ballad Of Buttery Cake Ass

Two music obsessives embark on a hilarious quest to track down Buttery Cake Ass' Live In Hungaria, an album as legendary as it is obscure. Their pursuit of one of the greatest bands ever unknown takes them down many a bizarre path teeming with grand ideas and grander egos in this ode to record shopping and what it's like to be in your first band.
"Aug Stone's The Ballad Of Buttery Cake Ass is like being taken on a rock-n-roll road trip by Holden Caulfield with a head injury in the best of ways. I hate when people say things like 'resistance is futile', but I can honestly say I tried to resist this book and it was futile. And I am all the better for diving in and enjoying the ride. Please do the same or I'll freak out." - DAVE HILL, comedian, rocker, awesome dude "The Ballad of Buttery Cake Ass is thought from the future or what Brian Massumi calls thought in becoming. Reading a book featuring a character called Cookie (a song I wrote that made me who I am) I might worry about how my mind, trapped in sclerosis of social media's steel box, could bullet around in the pinball of personal apophenia but BBCA kneads digression into the temporal substance of an emerging truth far richer than anything baked in the ovens of Pynchon completists. It is the really real of the event itself. Reading about music really ought to be full of all kinds of felt intensities and a longing for this fruity tapestry of vibrant matter is the reason that The Ballad of Buttery Cake Ass came into being and must be read by your eyes."- MIKEY GEORGESON, David Devant & His Spirit Wife, Mr. Solo, awesome dude
Two music obsessives embark on a hilarious quest to track down Buttery Cake Ass' Live In Hungaria, an album as legendary as it is obscure. Their pursuit of one of the greatest bands ever unknown takes them down many a bizarre path teeming with grand ideas and grander egos in this ode to record shopping and what it's like to be in your first band.
"Aug Stone's The Ballad Of Buttery Cake Ass is like being taken on a rock-n-roll road trip by Holden Caulfield with a head injury in the best of ways. I hate when people say things like 'resistance is futile', but I can honestly say I tried to resist this book and it was futile. And I am all the better for diving in and enjoying the ride. Please do the same or I'll freak out." - DAVE HILL, comedian, rocker, awesome dude "The Ballad of Buttery Cake Ass is thought from the future or what Brian Massumi calls thought in becoming. Reading a book featuring a character called Cookie (a song I wrote that made me who I am) I might worry about how my mind, trapped in sclerosis of social media's steel box, could bullet around in the pinball of personal apophenia but BBCA kneads digression into the temporal substance of an emerging truth far richer than anything baked in the ovens of Pynchon completists. It is the really real of the event itself. Reading about music really ought to be full of all kinds of felt intensities and a longing for this fruity tapestry of vibrant matter is the reason that The Ballad of Buttery Cake Ass came into being and must be read by your eyes."- MIKEY GEORGESON, David Devant & His Spirit Wife, Mr. Solo, awesome dude