Jens Lekman- Life Will See You Now
Jens Lekman describes his new record, Life Will See You Now, playfully, but also honestly, as "a midlife-crisis disco album; it's an existentialist record, about seeing the consequences of your choices". It's a typical Lekman album in several ways: sly humour is key to it's heartfelt nature; it inverts pop's writing norm by making songs with sad concerns sound happy and songs with a happy subject sound sad; and it plays with notions of identity and the self. But, as the title suggests, it also represents a significant move forward, as if across a threshold. It's the more expansive, upbeat sound of a revitalised Lekman, who is just one of many characters in his new stories about the magic and messiness of different kinds of relationships.
Track List
- To Know Your Mission
- Evening Prayer
- Hotwire the Ferris Wheel
- What's That Perfume That You Wear?
- Our First Fight
- Wedding in Finistére
- How We Met the Long Version
- How Can I Tell Him
- Postcard #17
- Dandelion Seed
Jens Lekman describes his new record, Life Will See You Now, playfully, but also honestly, as "a midlife-crisis disco album; it's an existentialist record, about seeing the consequences of your choices". It's a typical Lekman album in several ways: sly humour is key to it's heartfelt nature; it inverts pop's writing norm by making songs with sad concerns sound happy and songs with a happy subject sound sad; and it plays with notions of identity and the self. But, as the title suggests, it also represents a significant move forward, as if across a threshold. It's the more expansive, upbeat sound of a revitalised Lekman, who is just one of many characters in his new stories about the magic and messiness of different kinds of relationships.
Track List
- To Know Your Mission
- Evening Prayer
- Hotwire the Ferris Wheel
- What's That Perfume That You Wear?
- Our First Fight
- Wedding in Finistére
- How We Met the Long Version
- How Can I Tell Him
- Postcard #17
- Dandelion Seed