Jeremy Pinnell- Night Time Eagle

Pinnell is all shine and sparkle on the forthcoming Goodbye LA. Produced by Texan Jonathan Tyler, the tunes buff the wax and Polish the chrome on Country music's deeper roots. Rooted in his steady acoustic guitar, Pinnell's songs are shot through with honest and classic elements. The rhythm section, all snap and shuffle, finds purpose in well-worn paths. The pedal steel and Telecaster stingers arrive perfectly on cue, winking at JP's world-wise couplets. Here slippery organ insinuates gospel into the conversation. You can feel the room breathe and get a sense of these musicians eyeballing each other as their performances are committed to tape. And through it all comes this oaken identity, the devastating centerpiece of his work. Honest and careworn, Jeremy's voice can touch on wry, jubilant, and debauched - all in a single line. At his best, Jeremy Pinnell chronicles the joy and sorrow of being human, which is the best that anyone could do.
Track List
- Night Time Eagle
Pinnell is all shine and sparkle on the forthcoming Goodbye LA. Produced by Texan Jonathan Tyler, the tunes buff the wax and Polish the chrome on Country music's deeper roots. Rooted in his steady acoustic guitar, Pinnell's songs are shot through with honest and classic elements. The rhythm section, all snap and shuffle, finds purpose in well-worn paths. The pedal steel and Telecaster stingers arrive perfectly on cue, winking at JP's world-wise couplets. Here slippery organ insinuates gospel into the conversation. You can feel the room breathe and get a sense of these musicians eyeballing each other as their performances are committed to tape. And through it all comes this oaken identity, the devastating centerpiece of his work. Honest and careworn, Jeremy's voice can touch on wry, jubilant, and debauched - all in a single line. At his best, Jeremy Pinnell chronicles the joy and sorrow of being human, which is the best that anyone could do.
Track List
- Night Time Eagle